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Ron rolls out a bale of hay on top of the snow for the cows. They have to reach under the wire to eat; otherwise, they will soon trample and lay in it.
Ron rolls up a poly wire fence so the cows can move to the next paddock for wheat pasture.
The production hall--where we make yogurt, butter, cheese, etc.
The dairy barn and creamery. Located in Alfalfa Co. Oklahoma.
We were among the first in the nation to manufacture Greek yogurt. Originally, we called it "yogurt cheese", but now call it Greek yogurt.
We can milk 6 cows at a time, 6 more cows are on the opposite side getting prepped for their turn.
Food for cows; fun for kids.
One of our permaculture projects is to retain more rainfall on the farm. This enlarged pond helps with that.
The ducks provide eggs, meat, help with bug control and are lots of fun to watch.
Cow in trouble! Happily, she is fine, but the chair is not.
Cattle are grouped in different area on the farm--dry cows, milking cows, yearling calves, etc.
When pastures are growing rapidly, cows are moved several times a day.
New Zealand feeding system--calves suck on nipples with tubing that runs to the bottom of the barrel. Better than bottles for calves and much easier on the farmer.
Chickens provide eggs, meat and good bug control!
Tractor ride with Grandpa!
Symbiosis in action: goldfish in the tank keep the water clean and parasite free, and the cows drop grass and seeds from the pasture into the tank when they drink
An ice-covered farm. We are always happy we are seasonal and do not have to try and milk in weather like this.
Ruby the farm dog making the rounds.
Crain Family January 2019
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