Yogurt Cheese--Original, Garlic and Jalapeno (8 oz.)
We drain the whey off our plain, lowfat yogurt to make yogurt cheese. It can be eaten as a dip (with
chips or vegetables), topping (on baked potato, taco salad) or a spread (on a bagel or sandwich).
Yogurt cheese has the consistency of soft cream cheese, but it doesn't become hard in the refrigerator.
Original yogurt cheese has a mild taste similar to cream cheese or sour cream, but with only 25 calories
for a two tablespoon serving. Compare that to the 60 calories in sour cream or 100 in cream cheese!
Contains live, active cultures.
Greek Style Yogurt (16 oz.)
We start with whole milk yogurt and drain off enough whey to give the yogurt a rich, creamy texture.
Greek style yogurt is delicious with a little honey and fresh fruit or as a base for either sweet or savory
dishes. Ingredients: Grade A pasteurized cultured whole milk. We also offer a lowfat and non-fat
version of Greek Style yogurt--because it isn't as rich, you can eat more of it!
Butter (8 oz.)
Our farmstead butter is made from the cream from our cows' milk. We offer both unsalted and lightly
salted butter. The butter is naturally a lovely yellow because of the cows' grass diet. Many people have
told us that our butter "tastes like Grandma's butter".
Ricotta--curd style and cream style (16 oz.)
We offer both curd style and cream style ricotta. It is most commonly used in dishes such as lasagna,
manicotti, etc. Curd style ricotta can be crumbled on salad or into soup. Ingredients: Grade A
Pasteurized skim milk, vinegar, salt.
Mozzarella Cheese (7 to 14 oz.)
Fresh mozzarella made from the milk of our grass fed dairy cows is quite a treat. Our fresh and and
creamy mozzarella cheese comes in a vacuum sealed package. Ingredients: Grade A pasteurized
whole cultured milk, microbial rennet, calcium chloride and salt.
Buttermilk (8 oz.)
This buttermilk comes out whenever we turn cream into butter.Buttermilk appears when cream is churned
into butter. Unlike the buttermilk you typically find in stores, our buttermilk is fresh, not cultured. We store it
frozen. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight to make great pancakes, waffles, biscuits, etc.
Yogurt Cheese Cheesecakes
These delicious cheesecakes are made with yogurt cheese instead of cream cheese. This
gives them a light texture with a rich creamy taste. Flavors include: plain, lemon, chocolate
chip, raspberry wine, and pumpkin.
Grassfed Beef
Our delicious grassfed dairy beef is naturally lean. Our cattle have never been given hormone shots and
spend their lives on pasture. We offer a variety of cuts, including ground beef, roasts, sirloin steak, T-bone
steak, stew meat, rib eye steak, liver, heart, and more.

Creme Fraiche (8oz)
Creme Fraiche is gourmet, cultured cream. We make it by adding special culture to fresh cream and
incubating it for 8 hours. Because we do not homogenize our products, our creme fraiche will have a
thicker layer on the top. Creme Fraiche is delicious in both sweet and savory dishes. Ingredients: Cultured,
Pastuerized Grade A Cream.
Ron and Barbara Crain
Helena, OK
(580) 496-2447

Jack cheese--Fresh or Aged (7 to 14 oz.)
Our raw-milk Colby aged to perfection boasts wonderful flavor and lingering after taste. Or if you
prefer a milder experience you will love our fresh variety made with pasteurized milk. Comes to
you vacuum sealed. Ingredients: Grade A whole milk,